Saturday, December 8, 2012

Responsibility for Building up Islamic Politic Education for Muslim Teenagers

 (tanggung jawab dalam membangun pendidikan politic islam bagi kalangan remaja islam)

We know that politic education is very important in our live. Without emphasizing it of course our live won't get progress. Even our life will be broken without politic education. Infect, the age of education is older than our age culture of ambassador. We can see in other countries like; Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and others, actually this correspondence of our politic education now was out of date, or was latest. And we still found there are youth of nation politic education who should go to school but they go to work, perfunctory, they prefer working to studying, if we still defend with the condition of course Islamic politic education won't get progress.
There is assumption among our people that politic education only belong to adults society belong to elite society it’s mean that teenagers including student must not be involved in politic education. Some other people say that involving student in politic mean employing them. How must politic education be conveyed to student? There are many ways actually that can be done to make the student understand about it. One of the ways are for example do writing competition the and the student are asked what they are going to do? If they become the president of the countries or the members of representative, if they become the governor, regent, or so on. This simple way can develop the student ouwerness about their sense of politic and sense of nationality.

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